So this is a quick photo of my final images up on display, after receiving my images back from print i decided to swap out the 'angel' pose for the red ballet pose below. This was for 2 reasons, the first being that I wasn't happy with the extra contrast that the colour lab had added onto the image, you could no longer see the models feet and it completely threw off the image's balance, it was way too top heavy and there was no longer an anchoring point. And the second reason being that the red image brought the series back to the original idea of using dancers for my project, I feel like this image brings an extra element of beauty and grace to the series and really highlights the femininity in the series.
I love the size of the prints, I'm really glad that I fought to get them in this size. I feel that if they had been printed smaller than it really would have destroyed the point behind my project and even though my work has been put in a corner it really calls the viewer across the room. I didn't only want the viewer to see the strength in the model as a woman but I wanted the person looking at my work to turn around and really be smacked in the face so to speak when they come across my images, I want my work to shout "Yes Im a woman but I am strong, beautiful and graceful all in one!"
Although I would have loved to have seen the full set up on the wall I feel like these 3 have really done my project justice, I feel that they as a set really portray what I was trying to get across and each viewer will not only get what I was trying to show them but I think that they will also be able to look into the image and find their own personal meaning, this is a very important element for my project as I wanted not only to show the strength behind female beauty but I wanted the audience to stop and really take in what they are looking at.
If I were to do this project again I would have definitely stuck with the change in the middle, I feel that not being so constricted by only using dancers and then adding the dust element really made this project take life. I do plan on taking this concept forward in the future and I have learnt that you definitely need a big, well ventilated room if you cant do it outside! I would also like to have multiple models on set when shooting because they can get very uncomfortable fast because of the dust. One thing that i will remember to bare in mind for future shoots of this type is to clean off the models clothes between shots so that i have less post production work. The one unexpected outcome of this project is that I have gained so much confidence in myself and my work! Overall even through the ups and downs, this project has been very enjoyable and has really pushed me to think outside of the box as a photographer.