Friday, 9 May 2014

Day 16

So in a bizarre twist I have now taken on a whole new direction with my project all thanks to watching a video of one of my favorite artists... Strange I know. When I was watching PINK's 'try' video I started to think how it related to my white on white project last year and how them throwing dust about created really interesting patterns and it clicked! Connect white on white whith FMP! So I have spent the day looking for artist that have used this in their work and I have found an amazing artist called Ludovic Florent how has really inspired me to take a hole new approach to this project and I feel that doing it this way would actually make this project more my own too, it would create a whole new dimension to a typical image, taking the ordinary to extraordinary.
I have also send out a message to practically everyone I know asking if they would be willing to do this type of shoot for me so I am not just waiting on responses.

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